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The latest CEO Survey from Business Roundtable shows a similar improving trend that we saw in the Small Business survey this morning.  On the whole, things are looking better (via Business Roundtable):

Washington – The CEOs of America’s leading companies plan increases in employment, sales and capital expenditures over the next six months – according to the results of Business Roundtable’s fourth quarter 2010 CEO Economic Outlook Survey.

“Demand is returning as evidenced by anticipated sales increases, and that is good news. When demand increases, capital expenditures and employment follow – which is what we expect to see in the next six months,” said Ivan G. Seidenberg, Chairman of Business Roundtable and Chairman and CEO of Verizon Communications. “However, our CEOs expect GDP to grow at rate of only 2.5 percent in 2011, so there is still more work that needs to be done to get the economy back on the path toward strong, sustainable growth.”

“Copper prices and corn prices are at near record highs. Cotton prices and most metals prices are also very high,” added Seidenberg. “As a result of these marked increases, materials are being cited as the greatest cost pressure, with health care costs coming in next as a significant cost pressure.”

Source: Business Roundtable

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