Chart Of The Day


Excellent note this afternoon from the always cheerful David Rosenberg.  Mr. Rosenberg notes that 400 point rallies and increased volatility are not the signs of a bull market, but rather a bear market!   Rosenberg writes:

“The obvious question is: how can the bull market possibly be over considering that we enjoyed that amazing 405-point rally on the Dow just three days ago (Monday, May 10)?  Wasn’t that an exclamation mark that the bull is alive and well?

Far from it.  There have been no fewer than 16 such rallies of 400 points or more in the past, and 12 of them occurred during the brutal burst of the credit bubble and the other four took place around the tech wreck a decade ago.  See Chart 2 below.

In other words, the most valuable information contained in last week’s intense volatility, underscored by the 400-plus point bounce in the Dow, is that it’s time to take chips off the table and brace for the breakdown. “

While traders have become very euphoric about the prospects of the recovery and the continuation of the bull market now that government’s around the world have saved the day (once again!) Rosenberg notes that huge spikes like the recent move in the VIX are not bullish signs at all, but rather preceded major market downturns:

Buckle up boys and girls.  Last Thursday might have only been an appetizer.

Source: Gluskin Sheff

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