

I was just perusing some long-term charts tonight and some of the new lows are just downright depressing from a long-term perspective.  I don’t have a whole lot of original commentary to add to these images except….man, what a crappy 10 years it’s been (pretty original, huh?).

So here are some randomly selected equity indices and one other index whose 10 year performance might just surprise you.  First the three nightmare equity indices.  Not surprisingly, two of them are from Europe.

Japan’s Nikkei Index approaches a 10 year low (correction – the original article said the Nikkei was at a 28 year low.  That was WRONG.  It is the TOPIX that’s at a 28 year low):

Greece at a nightmare low:

Spain at a 10 year low:

And the shocker….CRB Commodity Index is up just 35% TOTAL over the 10 year period for a compound annual return of just 3%:

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