Chart Of The Day


Today’s Chart of the Day comes to us courtesy of chartoftheday.com.  Taking the long-term perspective, you just have to wonder if the market isn’t in the same process it was in the mid-70’s when the sideways to down churn ultimately resulted in a downside overshoot that ended in the early 80’s.

For some long-term perspective, today’s chart illustrates the Dow adjusted for inflation since 1925. There are several points of interest. For one, when adjusted for inflation, the bear market that concluded in the early 1980s was almost as severe as the one that concluded in the early 1930s. Also, the inflation-adjusted Dow is a little more than double where it was at its 1929 peak and trades 54% above its 1966 peak – not that spectacular of a performance considering the time frames involved. It is also interesting to note that the Dow is up 57% from its March 9, 2009 low which is actually slightly more than what the inflation-adjusted Dow gained from its 1966 peak to today.

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